Join our Workshops!
Choose from three live and interactive workshops that will move you closer towards your exit goals.
Setting Powerful Exit Goals
We use a combination of individual and group exercises to help you elevate above the daily grind of work and tune in to the bigger picture of what you are trying to achieve. The answers you uncover will help you to determine the timing of your exit and what your exit could like. As with any transition, there is usually some inner conflict about the “why” and “if” and “how” and “when”. This workshop helps you find your own answers. Once you’re clear on the bigger picture goal you are moving towards, as well as how an exit at some future point can move you closer towards reaching your ultimate goal.
Platform: Zoom
Ticket: $99
Duration: 2 hours
The Pressure Gauge Mindset
If you already have a backlog of business books a mile high and are hesitant to add another book to the pile, you can sign up for a 2-hour workshop where the author teaches you the ins and outs of the Pressure Gauge Mindset textbook and how to use the Pressure Gauge Model™ to make your business more valuable and more sellable.
Platform: Zoom
Ticket: $99
Duration: 2 hours

Creating an Exitplanr
In this workshop we cover every aspect of the exit planning process; (i) connecting with your bigger picture goals, (ii) choosing from the different types of exit scenarios, deal terms and structures, (iii) how to use The Pressure Gauge Model™ to increase the value and saleability of your business, (iv) how to create a good exit plan and how to integrate it into your daily operations so that you and your team are building value every day, (v) and last but not least, how to better prepare yourself, your team and your business for the transition.
Platform: Zoom
Ticket: $199
Duration: 5 hours